Farmhouse on Swearingen

we bought the farmhouse of our dreams!

of all the farmhouses in the world.

Growing up as a little girl, I passed this farmhouse every day. I can't tell you why I've always been ​naturally drawn to this house. As the new owner of this beautiful farmhouse, I can't help but fee​l like it was fate all along.

Bi​t​tersweet. That's the perfect word to describe this journey. Although it's sweet for me, the sto​ry of how we became the lucky owners of this beautiful farmhouse is a story for another day. Whi​le they are sad to see it leave their family, they're thankful to know we love it equally as much and ​will make a lifetime of memories in the years to come.

I'm happy you're here to follow along as​ ​we bring Farmhouse on Swearingen back to life.

"just" a cedar tree

I get it. I thought that too.

Fun fact about me...

I'm as sentimental as one can be. Learning the history of ​this beautiful property and hearing all of the memories ​made over the many years has been my favorite of this ​journey so far.

Why this isn't "just" a cedar tree...

On closing day, the sweet husband to the lady who's ​family owned this property- where she grew up as a little ​girl, told me something I'll never forget. He said "I'm not ​sure what you plan to do with those cedar trees in the ​front yard. You may cut them down and that's okay. There ​used to be 3 of them. My wife and I planted those 3 cedar ​trees when we got married and only 2 of the 3 lived. We ​are celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary this May ​(2022)"

I will forever remember that story whenever I look at these ​beautiful trees.

Sharing this experience with you is a gift already.

If you would like to see more pictures and where my inspo comes from​, follow along  on Pinterest by clicking the link below.
